It is widely accepted that increasing the perception of detection is the most effective fraud prevention method yet many companies do not have an adequate Fraud Prevention Policy. The fear of detection is further reduced because the authorities cannot keep pace with the number of offences. Companies may also be held liable for criminal acts carried out by an employee if they are done in the course and scope of their employment.
Furthermore the new Bribery Act 2010 that will come into force on 1st July 2011 has major implications for almost all organisations. In particular the Act creates a new Corporate Offence of "failing to prevent" bribery by a person working on an organisations' behalf. To avoid a conviction an organisation will need to demonstrate that it has adequate procedures in place to prevent bribery.
Working with you we can develop a robust Fraud Prevention Policy that will enhance prevention of all types of fraud in the work place. We can also prepare your organisation for the Bribery Act 2010 including provision of online training about the Act for all your personnel.
As part of our Fraud Prevention programme we can also provide your organisation access to our online Whistle Blowing Service.
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